Annual General Meeting and Elections scheduled for Saturday, August 28, 2021 at 10 a.m.
This meeting will be held in-person, following current public health measures, at the Brant Rod and Gun Club, which is located at 54 Henderson Rd, Brantford. It serves as a great opportunity for you to connect with the OFAH at the Zone level and to hear about both local and provincial fish and wildlife issues. You will have the opportunity to get involved as much as you wish in terms of asking questions or you can simply sit back and take it all in.
Members in good standing will have the opportunity to participate in the election process for the new Zone executive, as well.
Additional meeting details, including a possible guest speaker, may be provided at a later date and shared through the Zone J Facebook page.
Meeting attendees will be required to complete a screening questionnaire, provide contact information, wear a mask, and follow the physical distancing protocols in place. For more information regarding current public health measure, please visit the Ontario Government and/or the Brant County Health Unit websites.
Please use the Lower Clubroom entrance. The front doors of the clubhouse will be locked. There is a couple of handicap accessible parking spaces down the hill but everyone else will have to park in the front parking lot.
Please contact OFAH Zone J Chair Brian Moore at or 519-919-1520
If you have any questions