Town of Grimsby – Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-Law Town of Grimsby – Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-Law Town of Grimsby – Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-Law
Following the news Friday morning that the federal government had withdrawn amendments G4 and G46 in firearms Bill C-21, OFAH Manager of Policy Mark Ryckman spoke with Ontario OUT of DOORS Magazine. “We’re pleased that the Liberal government has recognized Continue reading Bill C-21 Update
Did you happen to miss our OFAH Inside Access webinar on Moose Aerial Inventories last week? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. CLICK HERE to watch the seminar, hosted by OFAH wildlife biologist Kirsten Snoek alongside guests Phil DeWitt (MNRF Wildlife Continue reading Moose Aerial Inventories – WATCH our OFAH Inside Access webinar OOD Toque $28 OFAH Green Hoodie $55 FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $35 WITHIN ONTARIO
The need for OFAH influence and advocacy on the significant issues impacting the fishing, hunting and broader outdoors community grows by the day and donations to the 2023 OFAH Ontario Fish & Wildlife calendar program play an integral role in Continue reading Help us with grassroots species and habitat work
A new year brings new opportunities to invest in conservation initiatives throughout Ontario. Last year we launched the OFAH Community Conservation Fund (CCF), which provided nearly $40,000 in funding to OFAH member clubs and community groups in support of four Continue reading 2023 OFAH Community Conservation Fund application window opens
Since Bill C-21 was re-tabled in May 2022, the OFAH has been working to keep the hunting community informed and advocating for the concerns of responsible gun owners. CLICK HERE to check out our Firearms Issues page for a more Continue reading Update on OFAH Bill C-21 advocacy
Thank you – and keep up the pressure. That is our message to you when it comes to pushing elected officials of all political stripes on firearms Bill C-21 and the amendments that were proposed last week. Your commitment to Continue reading Pushing elected officials of all political stripes on firearms Bill C-21
The Federal Government has introduced a significant amendment to Bill C-21 at the committee stage that, if adopted, would expand the definition of a prohibited firearm to included semi-automatic rifles and shotguns “designed to accept a detachable cartridge magazine with Continue reading Bill C-21 amendment seeks to ban more firearms
On July 30th, 2022, some significant changes to migratory game bird hunting came into effect in an effort to modernize the regulations. This marks the first major comprehensive update since the Migratory Bird Regulations were enacted in 1918. Some of Continue reading Migratory bird changes highlighted in webinar
An invasive insect that attacks hemlocks is expanding its range in Ontario Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) is an aphid-like insect that only feeds on hemlock trees. First found in British Columbia a hundred years ago, and in Virginia in the Continue reading Hemlock bug spreading
Given the breadth and scope of the proposed changes within Bill 23, we have written to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy and strongly urged them to defer a clause-by-clause review of the Bill in order to Continue reading OFAH Executive Director calls for pause on the provincial housing bill
Q: Am I permitted to keep arrows in my quiver with a small-game point during bows-only deer season? Occasionally I see rabbits while bowhunting, but I don’t want to waste a broadhead on small game. Howard Margolian, Stittsville A: Yes, an archery hunter Continue reading Ask a CO: Am I permitted to keep an arrow in my quiver for small game during bows-only deer season?
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been found in 30 US states and in Alberta, Manitoba, Québec and Saskatchewan, but it has not been detected in Ontario wildlife. And we want to keep it that way! That’s why we’re taking the Continue reading Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
The weather may be cooling down, but that doesn’t mean ticks have gone away. The risk of a tick bite is still high during the fall seasons, so make sure to cover up, use bug spray, and check yourself (and Continue reading Lyme Disease
NEW this year! Deer gun seasons have been extended by 1 or 2 days to end on a Sunday in many WMUs. If you hunt in southern Ontario, make sure you check if your municipality permits Sunday gun hunting before Continue reading 📢 NEW this year!
Don’t miss your chance to be the first lucky winner! The deadline to get in on the Week 1 Draw is TONIGHT at midnight! Progressive Jackpot starts at $10K! Order now:
The province is asking hunters to submit deer samples as part of continuing chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance efforts. The fatal, untreatable brain disease that affects members of the deer family, including white-tailed deer, elk, moose, and caribou, has not Continue reading Hunter help sought for monitoring CWD