Ask a CO: Am I permitted to keep an arrow in my quiver for small game during bows-only deer season?

Q: Am I permitted to keep arrows in my quiver with a small-game point during bows-only deer season? Occasionally I see rabbits while bowhunting, but I don’t want to waste a broadhead on small game. Howard Margolian, Stittsville A: Yes, an archery hunter Continue reading Ask a CO: Am I permitted to keep an arrow in my quiver for small game during bows-only deer season?


Ontario is home to eight bat species — four of which are endangered! Eastern small-footed myotis, little brown myotis, northern myotis and tri-colored bat populations have been declining in recent years — mostly due to a disease called white-nose syndrome. Continue reading BATS

Posted in MNR

Migratory bird regs modernized

The Migratory Bird Regulations have been given their first comprehensive update since their implementation in 1918.  

Posted in MNR