Category Archives: Hunting
Ask a CO: Explaining the tagging system Q: When do I have to invalidate (notch) my tag? A: If you are the tag holder for that animal, you must invalidate the tag immediately after the kill, at the site of the kill. The animal cannot be moved Continue reading Ask a CO: Explaining the tagging system
Why wild pigs should NOT be hunted in Ontario
Editor’s note: As of Jan. 1, 2022, hunting wild pigs in Ontario will be illegal. One key preventative measure will raise a lot of eyebrows among OOD readers: prohibiting the hunting of wild pigs. This move might seem counterintuitive, but Continue reading Why wild pigs should NOT be hunted in Ontario
Voluntary Black Bear tooth submission Voluntary black bear tooth submission All successful black bear hunters are encouraged to submit two premolar teeth from each black bear harvested to assist in determining the age structure of local bear populations. As a thank you for providing Continue reading Voluntary Black Bear tooth submission
Thunder Bay deer ticks carrying Lyme
Deer EHD outbreak confirmed Samples taken from deer found dead in the Kingston area have tested positive for epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), officials confirmed. The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) confirmed an adult buck and doe fawn from Wolfe Island and an Continue reading Deer EHD outbreak confirmed
CWD testing
Hunters play a crucial role in detecting if CWD arrives in Ontario by submitting deer samples as part of the NDMNRF’s roving CWD surveillance. If the time comes when Ontario does get CWD, the only way to eradicate it is Continue reading CWD testing
Lifetime background check implemented for firearm licence applicants
Firearms licence applicants are now subject to a lifetime background check (instead of five years) to ensure eligibility. “The lifetime background check (implemented on July 7) will include criteria that must be considered in deciding whether to grant a firearms Continue reading Lifetime background check implemented for firearm licence applicants
MNRF Wrapping up the 2021 moose tag allocation process
Here’s what you need to know. Get results for the second chance allocation If you didn’t claim a tag during the primary allocation and applied to the second chance allocation, the results for the second chance allocation will be available Continue reading MNRF Wrapping up the 2021 moose tag allocation process
SUNDAY GUN HUNTING WITHIN THE TOWNSHIP OF PERTH SOUTH APPROVED. Earlier this week, council for the Township of Perth South voted 4-3 in favour of passing a resolution to approve Sunday gun hunting. The OFAH would like to take this Continue reading SUNDAY GUN HUNTING WITHIN THE TOWNSHIP OF PERTH SOUTH APPROVED.
Moose poop needed for nutrition study
Moose poop needed for nutrition study by Jeff Helsdon | May 27, 2021 A Nipissing University researcher has put a call out for moose scat samples for a graduate student project that will compare the nutritional chemistry of moose forage in Continue reading Moose poop needed for nutrition study
Province hiring 25 Conservation Officers
Province hiring 25 Conservation Officers by Editorial Staff | May 4, 2021 The province is recruiting 25 new Conservation Officers (COs). The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry announced the move on Monday, May 3, fulfilling an election promise made by Continue reading Province hiring 25 Conservation Officers
Residents of Perth South, WE NEED YOUR HELP…
The OFAH is seeking your assistance to persuade the Township of Perth South to pass a resolution to permit Sunday gun hunting. We have submitted a request to give a delegation in support of Sunday gun hunting at next week’s Continue reading Residents of Perth South, WE NEED YOUR HELP…
GIANT HOGWEED Giant Hogweed Background Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is a perennial plant and a member of the carrot family. It is a garden ornamental from southwest Asia that is naturalizing in North America and becoming more common in southern Continue reading GIANT HOGWEED
3rd Lockdown info on hunting & fishing
UPDATE: On April 8, 2021, Ontario entered into a third provincial emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA) to curb the rising number of COVID-19 cases. This lockdown is similar to the previous provincial emergencies; the government Continue reading 3rd Lockdown info on hunting & fishing
Assessing Ontario Wild Turkey Population
Moose Tags 2021
Hello moose hunters, The dates to apply for moose tags are different this year. The application period for the Primary Allocation is April 1 to 30. Get your applications in early! Tag quotas and hunt codes Starting April 1, moose Continue reading Moose Tags 2021
Pelee pheasant hunt back on for 2021
Pelee pheasant hunt back on for 2021 by Jeff Helsdon | January 20, 2021 If all things fall in place, the Pelee Island Pheasant Hunt will be going ahead in 2021. At its Oct. 13 meeting, Pelee Island council members agreed Continue reading Pelee pheasant hunt back on for 2021
New Round of Consultations on the Algonquin Land Claim
Government Announces New Round of Consultations on the Algonquin Land Claim It’s been relatively quiet on the Algonquin Land Claim front over the past few years, but negotiations have been ongoing. The land claim covers 36,000 square kilometres in eastern Continue reading New Round of Consultations on the Algonquin Land Claim
OPP offers hunter safety tips
OPP offers hunter safety tips by Editorial Staff | September 29, 2020 Safety should be a priority while enjoying Mother Nature this fall, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reminds hunters. “Be sure you’re familiar with the safety rules before venturing out to enjoy Continue reading OPP offers hunter safety tips