Category Archives: Hunting
Recoil Dynamics
A hunter’s guide to foraging
Important Hunting Dates
Pheasant hunt returning to Conestogo
Hunting on public land
Sizing up bears
Hunting on public land
Support proposed changes to training and trial regulations
The OFAH needs YOUR support! The MNRF is proposing changes to regulations concerning sporting dog training and trialing areas that include a one-time 90-day application period for licences to establish new training and trialing areas, and to allow for existing Continue reading Support proposed changes to training and trial regulations
Pheasant hunt at the Conestogo Lake Conservation Area returns
Group collaboration leads to return of a pilot program in 2023 Following the efforts of a small group of dedicated pheasant hunting enthusiasts, and with strong support from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the Conestogo Pheasant Club Continue reading Pheasant hunt at the Conestogo Lake Conservation Area returns
Report deer, wolf, and coyote
Pushing elected officials of all political stripes on firearms Bill C-21
Thank you – and keep up the pressure. That is our message to you when it comes to pushing elected officials of all political stripes on firearms Bill C-21 and the amendments that were proposed last week. Your commitment to Continue reading Pushing elected officials of all political stripes on firearms Bill C-21
List of guns banned by amendment revealed
Contact your MP on firearms Bill C-21
As you know, earlier this week the federal government brought forward a significant amendment to firearms Bill C-21 that, if adopted, would significantly expand the definition of a prohibited firearm. The amendment captures many centre-fire semi-automatic rifles and shotguns “designed Continue reading Contact your MP on firearms Bill C-21
Local & sustainable
With a trapline, tannery, and some sewing machines, Ontario trapper Eric Morin started his company Fur the North to offer sustainably harvested fur products to outdoor enthusiasts. He produces fur gauntlets, mittens, blankets, and custom orders. Morin offers tanning and Continue reading Local & sustainable
Eyes wide open
We are often asked two questions. First,should I shoot with both eyes open? Second, why does my sight picture get blurry? It turns out, the answers to these questions can be related. Eye dominance One of the main reasons people Continue reading Eyes wide open
Migratory bird changes highlighted in webinar
On July 30th, 2022, some significant changes to migratory game bird hunting came into effect in an effort to modernize the regulations. This marks the first major comprehensive update since the Migratory Bird Regulations were enacted in 1918. Some of Continue reading Migratory bird changes highlighted in webinar
Update: COVID-19 in deer
Almost three years after being declared a pandemic, the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) has been shown to infect at least 54 different mammal species, including primates, cats, deer mice, mink, beavers, and even our beloved white-tailed deer. Of particular Continue reading Update: COVID-19 in deer
Ontario to make changes to controlled deer hunt
Big changes are coming for hunters who participate in Ontario’s controlled deer hunt program. In 2023, the provincial government has committed to a host of changes that include new timelines around the application period and draw results, along with new Continue reading Ontario to make changes to controlled deer hunt
Ask a CO: Am I permitted to keep an arrow in my quiver for small game during bows-only deer season?
by Editorial Staff | October 19, 2022 Q: Am I permitted to keep arrows in my quiver with a small-game point during bows-only deer season? Occasionally I see rabbits while bowhunting, but I don’t want to waste a broadhead on small game. Continue reading Ask a CO: Am I permitted to keep an arrow in my quiver for small game during bows-only deer season?