
Hunting, fishing, and spending time outdoors is about more than putting food on your plate. It’s a way of life, a chance to reflect, and a proven way of reducing stress and anxiety.

JOB POSTING – Waterfowl Unit Technician at Long Point Provincial Park

Long_Point_Waterfowl_Unit_Technician-Job_Posting The OFAH is currently seeking a passionate and hardworking individual to join the OFAH in partnership with Long Point Provincial Park and Long Point Waterfowlers’ Association as the Waterfowl Unit Technician for the LPWMU (Long Point Waterfowl Management Unit). Continue reading JOB POSTING – Waterfowl Unit Technician at Long Point Provincial Park

Migratory bird regs modernized

The Migratory Bird Regulations have been given their first comprehensive update since their implementation in 1918. https://oodmag.com/migratory-bird-regs-modernized/?fbclid=IwAR24fIzs0RQkB3y4c2StK_o-Rru8Joh0gFUkXY5R21hmtbqu9tC47PEfDHI  

Posted in MNR

Learn to Fish

Learn to Fish will be offered throughout southern Ontario, including at Emily Provincial Park, Earl Rowe Provincial Park and Grundy Lake Provincial Park. For a full list of dates and times please visit Ontario.ca/LearnToFish

Family Fishing Week

Going fishing this #FamilyFishingWeek? Check out information about open seasons, catch limits, and fishing regulations for each fishing zone at Ontario.ca/fishingregulations For information on free fishing opportunities in Ontario, visit: http://www.ontariofamilyfishing.com/