Ask a CO: Am I permitted to keep an arrow in my quiver for small game during bows-only deer season?

Q: Am I permitted to keep arrows in my quiver with a small-game point during bows-only deer season? Occasionally I see rabbits while bowhunting, but I don’t want to waste a broadhead on small game. Howard Margolian, Stittsville A: Yes, an archery hunter Continue reading Ask a CO: Am I permitted to keep an arrow in my quiver for small game during bows-only deer season?


Ontario is home to eight bat species — four of which are endangered! Eastern small-footed myotis, little brown myotis, northern myotis and tri-colored bat populations have been declining in recent years — mostly due to a disease called white-nose syndrome. Continue reading BATS

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Hunting, fishing, and spending time outdoors is about more than putting food on your plate. It’s a way of life, a chance to reflect, and a proven way of reducing stress and anxiety.