Carrying shotguns and muzzleloaders
Q: During the controlled deer hunt in a zone that is open for muzzleloaders and shotguns, can I take a shotgun loaded with buckshot for close stuff and a muzzleloader for long stuff at the same time?
Graeme Green, Woodstock
A: Yes, you may carry as many shotguns and muzzleloaders with you as you can safely handle. The exception to this would be if you are an apprentice or a mentor providing direct and immediate supervision; in these cases, you are restricted to having one firearm between you.
ANSWERS BY: David Critchlow, Provincial Enforcement Specialist, MNR
Pursuing coyote while deer hunting
Q: If I take someone with a deer tag hunting during a bow season, and I have a coyote tag, can I use a shotgun to pursue coyote while we are hunting together?
Richard Fillmore, Hamilton
A: This will depend on whether you are hunting deer or not. You cannot hunt deer during a bows-only season and possess a shotgun for hunting coyote at the same time. Nor can you hunt deer, e.g., calling deer in to your partner, dogging the bush to push deer to your partner or pointing out a deer to your partner for your partner to shoot, while carrying the shotgun.
If you are hunting deer during a bows-only season, you may not carry any type of firearm other than a bow. If you are not doing anything that constitutes hunting for deer, but are solely hunting for small game, including coyote, then you may possess and use a shotgun, whether while hunting on your own or with another person who is hunting deer.
ANSWERS BY: David Critchlow, Provincial Enforcement Specialist, MNR