Conservation – Financial Support

Every year the Zone Executive presents a budget forecast to the Zone membership at the January meeting. The revenue portion of the budget is comprised of anticipated Zone rebates from the membership dues and youth camp registrations. On the expense side, 75% of the forecast is allocated to conservation projects, research awards and youth oriented activities. Adjustments are made to the budget based on the feedback from the members and the budget is approved by the members who attend the meeting.

If your club is involved with conservation work or introducing youth to hunting, fishing or conservation work you can submit a request for funding support. Contact us at to request an application. The executive will review the submission and the membership will be asked to vote on the request at the next quarterly zone meeting. In order to allow sufficient time to consider the request please have the completed submission returned at least 4 weeks prior the next quarterly meeting.  Meeting dates are shown in the current year meetings  tab.

Funding allocations are shown in links below