After the Shot 2018

The Agenda of Topics presented

1. Sporting Dogs & Zoonotic Diseases – Dr Joe Wilson DVM
Health issues to be aware of when using dogs for deer hunting and what
diseases can be passed from deer to hunter
2. Taxidermy – Claudia Gravina
How to prepare the deer for delivery to the taxidermist, kinds of mounts,
3. Legal Issues – MNRF Conservation Officer
Party hunting, tagging, transportation, recovery on private property,
recovery, serving wild game
4. Field Dressing and Butchering – Rob Hare
How to field dress a deer, tools, hanging, precautions, delivery to a butcher,
cuts of meat and potential costs
5. Deer Response to After the Shot – Keith Munro
Adaptive behavior observed in deer herds to the hunting season and
changes noted following a successful harvest. What hunters can do to
select the most appropriate strategy for hunting during the open season

Dr Joe Wilson

Chairman Rob Hare introducing Tony Jackson who was soliciting assistance in gathering blood samples for study of West Nile Virus in Wild Turkeys and Grouse

Resident taxidermist Claudia Gravina

Field Dressing the animal

Keith Munro

Conservation Officers addressing questions from the floor