Meeting Minutes- November 27th, 2022

November 27th, 2022 at 10:00am

Peterborough Mario Cortellucci OFAH

Before the meeting gave to executive; November 24th version of Agenda Minutes of the last meeting August 28th, 2022, profit and loss year to date November 24th, 2022, balance sheet year to date November 22nd, 2022, dues for past zone chairs 2011 to 2021, secretary/treasurer November 27th, 2022.

Meeting called to order by Eric Smith

  • 1) Conservation Pledge- By Allen Fennell
  • 2) Greeting by the host club- By Eric Smith
  • 3) Chair’s Report- By Eric Smith
  • written report read
  • youth at Cortelluci,PFW, ALUS funded by zone
  • Darlington Waterfowl run by head office
  • FMZ 15 changes
  • Bill C21- call your MP
  • Angelo Lombardo will be here for questions
  • 4) Business arising from the Chair’s report- Moved by Eric Smith and seconded by Linda Smith, voted/carried
  • 5) Minutes from the last OFAH Zone E Meeting- Offered up printed
  • 6)Business Arising from the minutes from the last OFAH Zone E Meeting- None, moved by Allen Fennell seconded by Peggy Fennell as written vote carried
  • 7) First Vice Chair’s report- Not available-due to family matter John Hinton was absent
  • 8) Second Vice Chairs report- None as this is a vacant position
  • 9) Director’s report- By Brian Sutcliffe
  • new ban on pellet BB guns
  • looking at lower muzzle speed for registered
  • looking at C21 new rules: banana clips are banned already. OFAH is currently working on getting clarification on clips
  • handgun limits doesn’t look very good
  • send personal letters not petition or form letters. Petitions are counted as one letter no matter how many signatures are attached to it. Also, ask for a reply from your letter/email that has been sent
  • comments from the floor
  • now must call CFO to get confirmation to sell a gun as a back door registry
  • discussed cost of fishing lures
  • FMZ 15 changes to Lake Trout and Brook Trout not from advisory committee; also waters set as protected waters; knew were looking at white fish, large and small bodies of water; model took protected natural waters by closing ice fishing (which was not recommended by the four year study by advisory committee)
  • size of lake to break between large body or small body of water (currently number of hectares is not known)
  • questions from the floor, re slot size of fish; OPG changing water levels at spawning time
  • -Moved by Brian Shepard and seconded by Janice Smith, voted/carried

Break at 10:55 for fifteen minutes

  • 10) Secretary-Treasurer’s Report- by Allen Fennell, written report read
  • 11) Business arising from the Secretary-Treasurer’s report- questions from the floor; moved by Allen Fennell and seconded by Brian Shepard, report accepted as read, voted/carried
  • 15) Correspondence
  • -Peterborough Water Festival thank-you letter, flier showing our sponsorship, and receipt
  • -Peterborough Water Festival their email of November 24th, 2022 renew contact post election for 2023
  • read all; accepted

Lunch Free offering of $88 collected

  • 16) Business arising from the correspondence
  • questions from the floor re PWF donation
  • 13) Guest Speaker- Angelo Larmbardo
  • personal changes for career advancements and competitive employers
  • currently 60 people at head office and a 3-5% turnover; MNR&F is a major employment competitor
  • a positive is former employees now in other organizations to work together with OFAH
  • questions from the floor re: large number of very knowledgeable head office staff leaving in a very short period of time. Why?
  • from the floor re; lobbying on firearms
  • Matt DeMille doc re; May 2020 list showing then they are firearms; going to look at new list; see website for aids; asked re: message re; removal of ability to have wild game; get Ford to stand up like Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Yukon: need to let non participants of our pursuits to lets us enjoy our pursuits one on one and major job that Mario Cortellucci Centre does that; get it known that these are just tools; politicians are voted in if we do not speak up or do not vote then silence does nothing; people from big cities do not understand “no buildings” what is nature/outdoor enthusiasts; out outreach is to any schools willing to use our facilities; archery in schools; schools participating in camo day (Heritage Day); discussions with people about ‘crown land’ and doing podcasts
  • Darlington Controlled Waterfowl Hunt – thanked Brian Shepherd for his years of work (14) through zones E, G and head office running till December 07th; 109 hunter days so far and 110 birds, had some apprentice hunters & friends tagged along to see what was going on (one &one see what waterfowling is)
  • Head Office open to public? yes open and currently doing a hybrid model some from home (now all employees have workstations at home) so employees are expected to be in the office a few days a week
  • from the floor – suggesting face to face with MP’s ; email and website discussed
  • 14) Election of OFAH Zone E Executive for the term November 28th 2022 to November 2023. -Election by Angelo Lombardo
  • discussed police background check and mandatory governance training
  •      Chair: Eric Smith  – Stand? – Acclaimed
  •      1st Vice Chair – John Hinton -stand? – Acclaimed
  •      2nd Vice Chair – John Hockley – offered to stand – Acclaimed
  •      Director – Brian Sutcliffe -Stand? – Acclaimed
  •      Secretary/Treasurer – Taylor Smith – Stand?  – Acclaimed 
  • Eric Smith thanked Angelo 
  • 17) Old and New Business
  •  discussed Darlington Waterfowl Hunt funding motion
  •  asked members re: in person or zoom or hybrid discussed – discussion re: technology and sites etc. 
  • 20) Meeting Adjourned- By Peggy Fennell

Please note that the minutes from the November 27th, 2022 meeting were taken by Allen Fennell and were only transcribed by Taylor Smith

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