Expanding bear populations need management attention
OFAH Calls for More Bear Hunting Opportunities in Southern Ontario
In 2013, the OFAH wrote to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) asking them to consider expanding black bear hunting opportunities into additional Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) in southern Ontario.
This request was based on increasing black bear populations and their expanding range. The OFAH suggested a review of WMUs adjacent to units with an existing bear season, starting with units 77, 78A-C, 80-82, and 84-86. The letter emphasized the progress in bear population estimation.
In recent months, the OFAH has received numerous calls from members about increasing black bear populations and an apparent expansion of black bear range in southern Ontario. In previous discussions with MNR staff, we were informed that the MNR considers bear populations status and public acceptability when considering new black bear hunting seasons. Given the recent progress that the MNR has made towards estimating bear populations, the OFAH believes that black bear hunting opportunities can be expanded into Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) that do not currently support a bear season.
Download and read full letter here

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The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is committed to providing inclusive and educational hunting programs that foster a strong, united community of conservation-minded hunters.