OFAH Advocacy reaches an American audience
OFAH Article Appears in Fair Chase, the Official Magazine of the Boone & Crockett Club
In 2015, the Boone & Crockett Club invited the OFAH to write an article about Ontario’s spring bear hunt. The article covered the history of bear hunting in Ontario, the cancellation of the spring bear hunt and the ensuing lawsuit by the OFAH, and the pilot spring bear hunt proposed by the Ontario government in 2014. The article appeared in the Summer issue of Fair Chase Magazine.
The cancellation of the spring bear hunt in Ontario is only one example of how uninformed governments act in the face of pressure that has little to do with the causal factors behind a species decline, and more to do with what’s politically expedient. In doing so, they ignore the fact that hunters and anglers are the ones who called for the creation of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation in response to threats to our wildlife and fish populations; they ignore the fact that hunters and anglers put their money where their mouth is and fund on-the-ground conservation programs to protect and restore species throughout the continent; and they ignore the fact that hunting and angling contribute billions of dollars to the national economies of our respective countries and pay for a majority of the fish and wildlife programs that everyone benefits from.

OFAH is for all Ontarians
Connecting the Hunting Community
The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is committed to providing inclusive and educational hunting programs that foster a strong, united community of conservation-minded hunters.