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Girl Fishing, Hooked for Life Kids Fishing Clinic & Derby (3) – A. Miehls, GLFC w PERMISSION Kollien
OFAH staff are in Ottawa today (May 30, 2022) for Great Lakes Day. In-person events on Parliament Hill have been all but non-existent throughout the pandemic, so this represents one of the first opportunities to return and engage Parliamentarians on key issues. While that might sound boring to some, these types of events are needed
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Although recreational boaters and anglers are some of Ontario’s greatest conservation advocates, our activities are not without impact, and the movement of watercraft, in particular, has been a major contributor to one of the province’s greatest ecological threats: the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS).   HEARTY HITCHHIKERS   AIS can be resourceful little critters.
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The sport of archery does not care about your age, size, or athletic ability. It truly is what many would call a “universal sport”.   Educators are always looking for new ways to enrich the lives of their students and it can often be a significant challenge for schools to find activities that every student
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The COVID-19 pandemic seriously impacted and even wiped out many field programs run by conservation agencies and non-government organizations like the OFAH.   That said, one positive outcome that arose from this upheaval has been a re-evaluation of our internships, which were originally created to provide early career opportunities for young conservationists coming out of
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The restoration of Lake Ontario’s native Atlantic Salmon, described as a cornerstone of the province’s biodiversity strategy, will be supported for another five years through an agreement with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) as the lead program sponsor. The Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program was formed in 2006. LCBO and Banrock Station Wines initially sponsored
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Outside of pandemic years, the OFAH staff grows significantly every summer, often with more than two dozen students, interns, or seasonal staff hired for our programs like the Invading Species Awareness Program (ISAP), Tackleshare, Get Outdoors summer camps, and the OFAH|Mario Cortelucci Hunting and Fishing Heritage Centre.   ISAP actually hires many students hosted by
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What do salmon eggs look like as they develop into fry? What is the largest fish in the world? What happens to water when it enters a storm drain? How could climate change affect fish? Whether you’re five or 55, you’ll want to know the answers to these questions. We’ve provided that and in our
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Many of us fish the Great Lakes and tributaries and enjoy the many other benefits like drinking water, beaches, and other recreation. The Great Lakes are incredibly unique and so vast that it is easy to take for granted what it takes to protect them and sustain the many environmental, economic, health, and social benefits
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Normally, every January through June the Bring Back the Salmon (BBTS) classroom hatchery program is running full-tilt in schools around Lake Ontario.  In 2020, for instance, we had hatchery units in 75 schools plus 10 non-school public locations from Hamilton and Orangeville to Kingston.  In the program, students watch Atlantic Salmon eggs develop and hatch
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Compared to most Ontario hunter education instructors, I am a newbie, only having taught the program for five years. But in that time, I have learned a lot about people, about their learning needs and how to adapt my teaching to students of varying ages and experiences. When COVID-19 hit, all in-person courses were halted
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Since it started in 2017, ALUS Peterborough program grew local interest, participants, projects and partners and after four full years, there are 23 projects established across the region totaling 207.2 acres of re-naturalization. In 2021 ALUS Peterborough aims to re-naturalize at least 33 new acres of marginal farmland in 2021.

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With COVID-19 changing many of our lives in 2020, it’s been hard finding solace in the things I would typically enjoy: being with friends, visiting with my family, working at the OFAH head office, which is filled with amazing people, and travelling for work to educate Ontario’s public about aquatic invasive species (AIS). But, as
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The OFAH uses a science-based approach to our advocacy in fish and wildlife management. Each year, the OFAH and some of our partners award three different grants worth $4,000 each to university students researching fish and wildlife topics that are aimed at helping to improve resource management in Ontario. Who can apply? Any graduate or
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Did you know community hatcheries run by angling clubs raise almost two million fish each year to advanced life stages? And over six million two-day Walleye fry? Yes, thousands of volunteers committing almost 100,000 hours of work make this happen annually, to the benefit of all Ontario.  And over 37 of these hatcheries are supported
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The OFAH and the Community Hatchery Program (CHP) were selected by the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) as this year’s recipient for the Doug Clarke Memorial Award. This award is presented to a CWF affiliate for the most outstanding conservation project completed during the previous year by the affiliate, its clubs, or its members. “We thank
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  The OFAH and the Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program (LOASRP) received a three year, $307,300 Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) Grow Grant to expand and improve their popular classroom hatchery program over 2018-2021.  The funding will allow for a full-time classroom hatchery coordinator to be hired who will develop curriculum-linked teaching materials, produce technical
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Honda Canada is helping to put more fish in public waters with generator donations to the OFAH in support of community fish hatcheries.  Back in March, 2017, the OFAH and Honda announced a new partnership to support conservation and the longstanding heritage of angling and hunting.  “Loyalty is the make of great companies as well
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Programs - OFAH Insider