The OFAH uses a science-based approach to our advocacy in fish and wildlife management. Each year, the OFAH and some of our partners award three different grants worth $4,000 each to university students researching fish and wildlife topics that are aimed at helping to improve resource management in Ontario.
Who can apply?
Any graduate or post-graduate university student currently researching a fish and wildlife topic, and whose findings would benefit Ontario’s fish and/or wildlife management. Submissions will be evaluated for scientific merit, relevance to OFAH Fish and Wildlife management, budget and overall quality of application
What is being offered?
There are three separate research grants of $4,000 each to be awarded:
1. The OFAH/ Dave Ankney/ Sandi Johnson Award for Avian Ecology
2. The OFAH Zone G Wildlife Research Grant
3. The OFAH Zone H Fisheries Research Grant
When is the application deadline?
Friday February 12, 2021
When and where will the grants be awarded?
Successful applicants will be notified through email.
How do I apply?
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