What has changed with OFAH Family Pricing?

We’ve moved to a dynamic Family Pricing model that allows you to add family members to an adult membership at discounted rates based on relationship and age. This approach offers more flexibility, greater value, and a more personalized experience for each member of your household.

What are the new family member pricing discounts?

Spouse/Partner – 50% off individual membership rate
Adult Child (18–25) – 70% off individual membership rate
Teenage Child (13–17) – 90% off individual membership rate
Children under 13FREE

What is the cost of a individual membership?

The current Individual Membership is $59.95 per year. Family members are added at the discounted rates listed above.

Can I still get a “Family Membership” package like before?

No. The old flat rate “Family Membership” option has been replaced with this dynamic pricing model. You now have the flexibility to build your own household package and only pay for the additional members you choose to include.

Why did OFAH change the family pricing model?

This change was made for a few reasons, including:

  • To provide member families with better value and flexibility
  • To help simplify the membership structure
  • To offer a personalized experience for each family member through the MyOFAH membership portal
  • Support long-term engagement with outdoor traditions and conservation values

What do family members receive with their membership?

Each added family member gets their own individual OFAH membership experience, including:

  • Access to the OFAH membership portal (parents will need to provide an email for children hoping to access the portal)
  • Tailored content and communications based on their interests
  • Invitations to exclusive events and discounts from partners like Mark’s, The Brick, BrokerLink Insurance, and Fitzsimons Financial Group Inc.
  • Personal liability insurance for hunting and fishing
  • Lyme Disease and medical expenses coverage
  • Accidental death and dismemberment coverage
  • Access to Ontario OUT of DOORS content

What does an example of the new structure look like for a family of four?

One Adult, a spouse, a teenage child and one under 13 would calculate to the following: $59.95 + $29.98 + $6 = $95.93 annually for your enhanced OFAH family membership experience.

Do family members get their own login and access to the portal?

Yes. Every family member included in your membership can set up individual access to the OFAH membership portal, allowing them to explore content, events, and benefits tailored to their own outdoor interests. Emails for family members are provided by the primary member.

How do I add family members to my membership?

When you join or renew online, you’ll be prompted to add family members during the registration process. The system will apply the correct discount automatically based on the age and relationship of each member.

Can I still add family members if I’ve already purchased my membership?

Yes. You can log into your membership portal at any time to add eligible family members. The discounted pricing will be applied automatically at checkout and it will be prorated based on the remaining time left in the primary member’s membership. This allows families to renew at the same time the following year, and ensure added family members only pay for the time they will be a member

Are family members mailed their own cards or communications?

Physical cards are not automatically mailed out but can be requested. However, each registered family member will be part of our membership database and will receive relevant communications, depending on their preferences and membership type and can download a digital copy of their membership card from their MyOFAH membership portal that can be printed.

What if I have children in different age categories?

No problem! The system will recognize each child’s age and apply the appropriate discount automatically, while ensuring that children under 13 are included at no cost.

Is this model more expensive than before?

Not necessarily. While it’s a change from the flat-rate family plan, many families may find they pay the same or less—with the added benefit of individual access, tailored experiences, and better engagement for each family member.

What value is there for children?

We understand that the perceived value of an OFAH membership is different for everyone, and that not all benefits and perks may be accessible at all ages. This is why a dynamic model with different fees based on age is being used. We recognize that there is a need for the OFAH to provide more direct value to younger members, and we are actively working on this. As youth become more independent in fishing and hunting, their demand for insurance, information/media, and services becomes greater. This is why we are charging a nominal fee for teenagers, while keeping it low enough to not be a barrier to involvement with the OFAH.

Won’t this be a barrier for youth to become involved with OFAH?

The changes to family pricing will primarily occur with adults – spouses and adult children (18-25 years old). There is an increased demand for services (e.g., insurance) by adults and the previous flat-rate family fees were not sustainable to maintain these services. Children under 18 can be added for free if they are under 13 years of age and $6 if they are 13-18. We have kept these fees very low because the OFAH wants to encourage youth participation in the outdoors and with OFAH. 

Who do I contact if I have questions or need help with my membership?

You can reach the OFAH membership team anytime via e-mail at membership@ofah.org or toll free at 1-800-263-OFAH (6324) and a member of our team will be happy to help you.