Club Membership
Do you want to become an OFAH affiliated club?
Join our more than 725 outdoors organizations — including hunt camps, fishing clubs, cottagers’ associations, sporting dog groups and gun & archery clubs — who enjoy the benefits of OFAH club membership.
Top Eight Reasons to Become an OFAH Club
- Exclusive no cost OFAH member club liability insurance programs
- Directors and officers liability insurance (optional)
- No cost Range liability insurance (conditions apply)
- No sign-up fee or administration charges
- No involvement in any way with the internal workings of your club
Club members also receive the same exclusive perks as regular OFAH members, including:
- Personal public excess liability insurance coverage, Lyme Disease diagnosis and medical expense coverage
- Discounts and preferred rates at Mark’s, The Brick, BrokerLink, Fitzsimons Financial Group, and more
- Access to Ontario OUT of DOORS magazine
What do OFAH member clubs do?
It was the volunteer spirit of community-based, outdoor organizations that founded OFAH. Today, OFAH member clubs continue to accomplish great things for conservation in their own communities. Their size, structure, and purposes are very diverse.
Many clubs form the backbone of local, regional, and provincial conservation and community outreach projects and generously give their time and hard-earned dollars to promote our outdoor heritage. Some clubs form to represent gender, culture, ethnicity, or other demographics of the OFAH membership, and we also have clubs focused on specialized interests like falconry and sporting dogs. Others maintain important community services like firearms ranges that provide hunters and shooters a safe place to use firearms. Many of our clubs are smaller groupings of family and friends who have a hunt camp or other type of association.
OFAH Member Clubs also help to represent the interests of fellow outdoor enthusiasts by raising local concerns and working with OFAH zones and OFAH staff to find solutions to these issues.
What makes a club or group an OFAH member club?
An OFAH member club is one in which every member (minimum of 5 members) of the club must also be a member of the OFAH. As long as your club’s entire membership (100% compliance required) fees are paid in full, your club is considered affiliated and able to participate in the OFAH Club Insurance Program.
By the club appointing one person to look after the OFAH club memberships, everyone saves on their OFAH membership dues and receives exactly the same benefits as individual OFAH members. We strive to keep membership rates low, and timely membership handling by the elected club officer goes a long way toward that goal.
Contact the OFAH for more information
Have questions about club membership? Ask your questions here, and be sure to select “Information about OFAH clubs”.
OFAH Club Membership Rates
Adult ~ $50.00
Family ~ $62.00
Junior ~ $45.00