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2025 Provincial Election Priorities

Advocating for our natural resources and outdoor heritage

As we look toward the 2025 provincial election, OFAH Membership is advocating for crucial investments and policies that benefit our natural resources and outdoor heritage.

From strengthening fish and wildlife management to ensuring better access to outdoor spaces and funding for community conservation projects, our priorities represent a comprehensive vision for a healthier environment and sustainable recreational opportunities.

Regardless of which party emerges from the election successfully, OFAH Membership is committed to protecting and promoting Ontario’s outdoor way of life.

Learn more below.

Investment in a green


Fishing and hunting contribute to a triple bottom line with enormous economic, environmental, and social benefits to the people of Ontario. Modest investments can leverage massive returns. 

We want to see the next government invest in:

2025 Provincial Election | Investment in Green Economy

PROMOTION OF FISHING AND HUNTING by actively encouraging participation to maximize social, economic, and environmental benefits to the province

THE FISH & WILDLIFE SPECIAL PURPOSE ACCOUNT by contributing more general revenue to the SPA and increasing accountability through annual reporting

INFRASTRUCTURE TO ACCESS THE OUTDOORS by supporting municipalities, conservation authorities, and other public land managers to build and maintain access points like fishing nodes and boat launches

COMMUNITY CONSERVATION by establishing funds that can be accessed by clubs and groups working on conservation projects in their communities

ACCESS FOR ANGLERS AND HUNTERS by increasing funding for the Forest Access Roads program

LYME DISEASE by supporting prevention efforts, treatment, and research of the disease and candidate vaccines 

Invest in Green Economy | 2025 Election

Priorities for


Ontario’s wildlife and associated sustainable use activities like hunting and trapping are culturally, socially, environmentally, and economically important in Ontario. Maintaining healthy wildlife populations requires evidence-based and adaptive management. 

We want to see the next government focus on:

2025 Provincial Election | Priorities for Wildlife

CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE by (1) banning the import of bait from jurisdictions with CWD, (2) increasing funding for surveillance, and (3) phasing out cervid farms in Ontario

MUNICIPAL FIREARM RESTRICTIONS by permitting Sunday gun hunting province-wide, and creating guidelines for municipal authority to restrict firearm discharge

MOOSE by addressing hunter concerns about unawarded/unclaimed tags

BLACK BEARS by expanding WMUs that allow hunting and removing bait restrictions

HUNTING IN PROVINCIAL PARKS by increasing opportunities for hunters in compatible protected areas

GAME RECOVERY by permitting nighttime blood tracking of downed game with licensed dogs

ELK by (1) re-engaging in active management of all elk herds, and (2) taking strong action on escaped farmed cervids and elk-red deer hybrids that are currently on the landscape

WOLVES AND COYOTES by removing hunting and trapping restrictions related to eastern wolves

CARIBOU by recognizing responsibility to manage both moose and caribou where they overlap and directing management actions to areas where caribou have a reasonable chance of thriving

SNOWSHOE HARES by extending the hunting season in northern Ontario

CORMORANTS by actively controlling populations where they are overabundant and developing a provincial management plan 

Priorities for


Ontario is home to the largest freshwater fisheries in the world, including a quarter of Canada’s freshwater, the Canadian portion of the Great Lakes, 250,000 lakes, and countless rivers and streams. Fishing is a safe outdoor activity enjoyed by millions of people every year and supports a multibillion-dollar economic impact and tens of thousands of jobs. 

With great resources comes great responsibility, so we want to see the next government focus on:

2025 Provincial Election | Priorities for Wildlife

BROOK TROUT by developing a Provincial Brook Trout Management Strategy

LAKE TROUT by implementing reasonable regulations for FMZ 15

FISH STOCKING by developing FMZ-level stocking plans for inland waters guided by fisheries data, science, and angling surveys

BAIT by targeting higher-risk commercial pathways (i.e., harvesters, retailers), establishing a bait task force to carry out routine inspections and enforcement blitzes, and enhancing angler education about bait

FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ZONE ADVISORY COUNCILS by reviewing and revitalizing the FMZ council process and establishing a FMZ 16 council(s)

RIVERS AND STREAMS by creating a broadscale monitoring framework for flowing waters

ANGLER EDUCATION by including angler education in existing online tools (e.g., Fish ON-line, Fish and Wildlife Licensing System)

FINE REVENUES by redirecting those originating under the Ontario Fishery Regulations to the F&W Special Purpose Account 

Invest in Green Economy | 2025 Election

Priorities for


Conservation principles are central to both fish and wildlife management. Many habitat, biodiversity, and other general conservation policies can be important for both fish and wildlife. 

We need the right people, policies, and approaches in government for sound fish and wildlife management, so we want to see the next government focus on:

2025 Provincial Election | Priorities for Conservation

NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION by hiring more front-line Conservation Officers and ensuring adequate compensation to retain them

INVASIVE SPECIES by enhancing management and control policies with additional funding support

WETLANDS by prioritizing protection of wetlands and establishing sustained funding for restoration

FRONT-LINE MNR/MECP SERVICES AND STAFF by increasing accessibility and support for grassroots conservation work

CONSERVATION IN THE CLASSROOM by integrating sustainable use education into provincial curricula

ONE HEALTH by increasing public awareness of the importance of ecosystem health to our well-being

FORESTRY by (1) supporting urban and rural reforestation work, and (2) reviewing the relationship between forestry practices and wildlife population health

DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS by restoring the role of Conservation Authorities in the permitting process with respect to natural heritage features and by reinstating other critical development controls

CLIMATE CHANGE by embracing nature-based solutions like green infrastructure, reforestation, wetland protection, and watershed restoration

PRIVATE LAND STEWARDSHIP by creating modern resources and establishing programs that support private land habitat

ACCESSIBILITY by creating funding for ‘lifestyle’ accessibility accommodations like off-road wheelchairs

FOOD SECURITY by creating a regulatory allowance for the donation of wild game meat to Ontario Food Banks 

OFAH is for all Ontarians

Connecting the Hunting Community

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is committed to providing inclusive and educational hunting programs that foster a strong, united community of conservation-minded hunters.

Contact us