Do you fish for bass in FMZ 18 (eastern Ontario)? Your knowledge on the state of bass populations in key lakes/rivers and perspectives on bass management supplement traditional fisheries sampling conducted by MNR. Please share with others and complete this survey. The survey link is HERE
With all the actvity going on outdoors, Lyme
disease research article from Guelph University
Proposed enhancements to the points-based moose tag allocation process for resident hunters.
Posted on the ERO October 8 , comments until November 22
Attention OFAH Members!
Two surveys are now on line regarding the proposed mandatory wearing of life jackets, one is from Transport Canada and the second is from the OFAH. Transport Canada did not consult with anglers and Hunters for this proposal so head office created its own similar survey so head office can draft the feed back they get from us (anglers and hunters), the links are on both the web site and our Facebook page.
Background on why the proposal
OFAH Survey
Transport Canada Survey
New on the ERO
Graduated financial penalties for failing to submit mandatory hunter reports
Clean Drain and Dry, over the last year Zone F has been working with Invasive species, clubs and volunteers to have these signs erected at many boat launches in our area.
We’re reaching out to anyone that may know of any launches that do not have a sign. One area of particular interest would be the Ottawa River corridor from Fitzroy Harbour to the Quebec boarder.
Let us know if you have any information.
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The 2024 fishing regulation summary is online and available for download. New for 2024 in fmz18 is the temporary Bass sanctuaries on Charleston and Opinicon lakes, details are listed in the guide, or the see the maps for Charleston and Opinicon
Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 664/98 Fish Licensing (O. Reg. 664/98) to enable the transport of preserved bait and the temporary movement of bait into and out of Bait Management Zones
Please check out the presentation from our special meeting April 20
Seasonal Use of Constructed Wetlands by Freshwater Fishes
Tanya Lemieux
MSc Student
Carleton University, Ottawa
Fisheries update from the MNRF and Dr Steven Cooke’s lab
Meetings, minutes and committee reports
Request funding for Conservation projects
Zone F has received the Bob Pope Memorial Award for 2021
This award is presented to the Zone with the highest membership increase over the year. This has been made possible because of the support members like you give us and the OFAH as a whole. As of July 2022 your zone has the second highest amount of members in the province, THANK YOU for your continued support.
O.F.A.H. Zone F has approximately 10,000 individual O.F.A.H. members and 2,000 O.F.A.H. Club members within its boundaries.
The zone commences at the south west corner of Cramahe township on the St. Lawrence River, up the western boundary of Cramahe and western boundary of Percy townships, along the north boundary of Percy and Seymour townships then along western boundary of Marmora and Lake townships, then across the north boundary of Lake, Tudor and Grimsthorpe townships, along the west boundary of Effingham, and Ashby townships, and along north boundary of Ashby and Denbigh townships, and along the eastern boundary of Denbigh, across north of Miller and North Canonto, and down the eastern boundary of North Canonto, across the north of Lavant, Darling, Pakenham, Fitzroy townships to the Ottawa River. The boundary then follows the Quebec/Ontario boarder to the St. Lawrence River which leads back to Brighton. The zone boundary description is in reference to geographic townships.
Our zone covers all or a portion of the following Wildlife Management Units: 60, 61, 62, 63a, 63b, 64a, 64b, 65, 66a, 66b, 67, 68a, 68b, 69a1, 69a2, 69a3, 69b, 70, 71, 72a and 74b. As well as sections of FMZ’s, Fisheries Management Zones 12,15,17,20 and all of 18.
Click on map for larger view of our Zone.
For the latest news releases please visit our NEWSROOM
Please take a minute or two to browse our website and if you ever have any questions please let us know.
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